Striving for Excellence
Excellence is no accident!
The vision of the Berlesduna Academy Trust is to create and foster a culture of high aspiration, enjoyment for learning, academic success and lifelong skills amongst all pupils, regardless of their social, economic or cultural background.
As a whole school community, we are striving to achieve excellence driven by our excellent staff. From the strategic planning to the delivery of the curriculum and the wider curriculum, we constantly aim to be the very best that we can and offer the very best education and care to our pupils. At St Mary's C of E Primary School, we have designed a curriculum that not only meets the breadth and ambitions of the national curriculum in an engaging way, but also one that is unique to our pupils.
We recognise our school context and want children to leave us with a strong moral and spiritual compass; respecting and celebrating diversity and promoting resilience, care and individuality. We hold high aspirations for all our pupils and want them to grow into successful and responsible adults of the future with a rich ‘cultural capital’ formed through their experience of a high quality, holistic curriculum that has at its heart: key skills, knowledge arranged through concepts, broad and engaging experiences and a focus on personal development.
As part of our unique whole school curriculum offer and to meet our curriculum aims, children access the following additions to the national curriculum:
• Mindfulness sessions
• Forest School
• Play Therapy
If you would like any further information about the curriculum at St Mary's C of E Primary School, then please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Walker via the school office on 01245 320505. Thank you.