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Church of England Primary School

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respectful and responsible citizens and empowering all learners.



Department for Education:  The Prevent duty:  Departmental advice for schools and childcare providers

This is departmental advice from the Department for Education. This advice is non-statutory, and has been produced to help recipients understand the implications of the Prevent duty. The Prevent duty is the duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 on specified authorities, in the exercise of their functions, to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism.


This advice is for:

  • Governing bodies, school leaders and school staff in maintained schools (including nursery schools), non-maintained special schools, proprietors of independent schools (including academies and free schools), alternative provision academies and 16-19 academies
  • Management committees and staff in pupil referral units
  • Proprietors and managers and staff in registered childcare settings


The main points of this advice are to:

  • explain what the Prevent duty means for schools and childcare providers
  • make clear what schools and childcare providers should do to demonstrate compliance with the duty
  • inform schools and childcare providers about other sources of information, advice and support.


Prevent Duty Statement


EduCare - What is the Prevent Duty
