Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Female Genital Mutilation
HM Government: A Statement Opposing Female Genital Mutilation
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is child abuse and an extremely harmful practice with devastating health consequences for girls and women. Some girls die from blood loss or infection as a direct result of the procedure. Some women who have undergone FGM are also likely to find it difficult to give birth and many also suffer from long- term psychological trauma.
What this statement is for: You should take this statement with you when you go abroad. You can show it to your family. This makes it clear that FGM is a serious criminal offence in the UK with a maximum penalty of 14 years in prison for anyone found guilty. Your parents, or whoever is caring for you, may also be guilty of an offence if they fail to protect you from FGM being carried out.
Keep this statement safe: You should carry it with you at all times – especially when you go abroad.
Home Office: Mandatory Reporting of Female Genital Mutilation - procedural information
If you know someone at risk:
Contact the NSPCC anonymously if you’re worried that someone is at risk of FGM or is a victim of FGM.
FGM Helpline
Email: fgmhelp@nspcc.org.uk.
Telephone free: 0800 028 3550
If you know someone in immediate danger:
Contact the Police
There are protection orders you can obtain from a court if you, or anyone you know feels at risk.