SMSC in Music
Music and SMSC
Spiritual development
At St Mary's, we encourage this aspect of the curriculum through the experience and the emotion of listening and responding to music, composition and performance. We encourage our pupils to express their feelings verbally when responding to a piece of music. Where pupils are sensitive about expressing their feelings, we support them appropriately so that they have the confidence to do so. Spiritual skills are further developed by encouraging children to be inspired and creative.
Moral development
We encourage our children at St Mary's to engage in critical discussions of musical performances both from other students and visiting artists. Where there is a specific cultural or social reference that is explicit in a piece of music, we encourage our children to reflect upon this. Where children have presented their own work, we ensure fair and objective assessment and evaluation of their composition. Improving on their performances requires self-discipline, resilience and commitment which we foster here in school.
Social development
Children engage in group tasks to encourage a sense of unity and collaboration, enabling them to be aware of their own individual abilities and strengths. We also encourage the skills of independence and resilience. Where they are required to express their feelings, students are encouraged to do this sensitively with an awareness of the needs of others.
Cultural development
Music supports cultural development by looking at how musicians and performers from a range of cultures have had a significant impact globally. It also helps children to understand how important music is to the economy and culture of the UK. Music is an inherently cultural and social experience as people enjoy going to musical performances.