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St Mary's
Church of England Primary School

A learning community dedicated to building
respectful and responsible citizens and empowering all learners.

Adverse Weather Procedure

Snow/Adverse Weather Procedure 


In the event of disruption caused by heavy snow, the prime concern of the school will always be the safety of the pupils and staff. The school's priority is to remain open in the event of snow or adverse weather conditions.  There are, however, certain factors which may unavoidably lead to the school closing. These are as follows:  


•there are not enough members of staff to provide satisfactory care;  

•the severity of the weather conditions is on such a major scale that it is unlikely that many people will be able, physically, to make it into school;  

•the school is unable to provide lunch for the children;  

•the school grounds are not sufficiently safe for children, parents and staff;  

•the school does not have sufficient heating;  

•the school does not have lighting and hot water across the site;  

•external agencies, e.g. police, local government, motoring organisations, etc, are advising against school travel in our region 


School closed:  


In the unlikely event the school has to be closed, we will declare this a ‘Snow Day’ and we will update Class Dojo as early as possible on the day.  Remote Learning will continue to be in place. 

School closure information will also be on the emergency school closures page on the council’s website: and on our school website:  


School open:  


If the school is open, we will aim to remain open until the end of the normal school day. However, if during the school day weather conditions deteriorate a decision will be made whether to offer parents the opportunity to collect children earlier. This information will be communicated to parents via an email and a message on Class Dojo.  If you will be delayed in collecting your child, please ring the school office to keep us informed. As always, we will look after your child(ren) until you arrive.  When the school is open during adverse weather conditions, parents will also be kept informed on Class Dojo if clubs or trips have to be cancelled. 


